Regional Sub-committee

For some time the FTAI executive committee has been considering the needs of  members who work and live in various regions throughout the country. We hope these needs can be met more effectively via the work of the Regional committee which aims to build links with members and keep members more connected and informed.

Responses to a questionnaire sent to all members this year highlighted, perhaps not surprisingly, that family therapists value connecting with others and with groups that support their practice.

Often the only constraints to this are time and location.

Following this years AGM the committee expanded to include new members which is a very exciting development and there is great enthusiasm for the work of this group. Future ideas include moving the committee meetings around to different parts of the country to facilitate members and build links. Indeed building links and enhancing communication seems to be a central theme at this stage.

Other ideas included the use of the FTAI website as a central point for discussions and communication and the use of emails to keep members connected.

We welcome any new members who have an interest in being a part of this committee and we are open to any feedback members may have.